Family · Health & Wellness · Outdoor Play · Toddler

Outdoor Play: A Family Hike

Our family loves spending time outdoors. And in sunny, Southern California, the weather demands it. Not to mention its Spring, a most beautiful season. We took a family hike yesterday and I'm happy to share our experience. I've also included some ideas on hiking with a toddler: Some Thoughts On Packing, Considering Your Trail and… Continue reading Outdoor Play: A Family Hike

For Moms · Outdoor Play · Toddler

Outdoor Play: A Hike With Friends

What I love most about this blogging experience is the chance to share some of the awesome activities that make up my full, happy life with Dutch. We had an awesome hiking adventure a few days ago and I'm excited to share our experience. When my friend Laura suggested we go hiking with the kids,… Continue reading Outdoor Play: A Hike With Friends