

My name is Lindsay, the creative parent behind Letters to Dutch. For me, happiness is found in the thrill of creative effort. And being Dutch’s Mom calls for creativity. It’s how I keep up with my imaginative, energetic, fantasy driven toddler. Letters to Dutch is a window into our world. I share all about our creative lifestyle including personal stories, simple family recipes, unique DIY crafts, parenting ideas, health and wellness tips and much more. 

There was a time when I thought I’d never become a Mother, though it had been a lifelong dream. Having been diagnosed with infertility at age 26, my husband Wes and I endured a year of fertility treatments along with other natural therapies before our son Dutch was conceived through In Vitro Fertilization. I watched as our little embryo grew from the size of a pinprick, to a healthy 7 lb. 2 oz. baby boy. After fighting through 25 hours of labor and 4 hours of pushing, baby Dutch was born! I’ll never forget just hours later, lying in the hospital bed with my husband. We wept in each other’s arms with our newborn in hand as our hard fought fertility journey had come to an end.

As that journey ended, our parenting journey began. Over the past 3 years, we’ve had our share of challenges including postpartum depression, colic, teething, and countless sleepless nights. We’ve also had our share of triumphs. We breastfed for 22 months, Dutch is developmentally ahead, and we’ve been lucky enough to have no Emergency Room visits to date. In late 2017 we welcomed Dutch’s sister, Daley, and have watched Dutch grow into a rock star of a brother. I hope our imperfect experience might encourage and inspire others in their parenting journey.

My vision for this page is twofold. First, that it will become a cherished memory book for our family. After all, our children grow up in the blink of an eye. I consider this as a way of living in the moment with him, soaking in every precious moment. And second, that it will serve as creative inspiration for parents, creatives and the like. 

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to ready my story. I value your opinion and would love to hear from you, feel free to leave a comment, share your thoughts below, or contact me.

You can browse my top posts here, and please stop by our sister page, Daley Bakes, where I share all our favorite family recipes.




10 thoughts on “About

  1. Lindsay,your story is so inspiring. Thank you for being courageous enough to share it. You inspire me every day.

    1. Your blog is beautifully written, Lindsay … I know it is going to encourage many and be deeply appreciated. I am so very proud of you and know that Grandpa would be, too! 💕

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